Tuesday, December 17, 2013

No. 675: Pangoro

wow I'm bad at this whole "updating" thing

I'm strangely disappointed in this guy, because I seriously thought he was Fighting/Grass. I know, I know, his whole gimmick is that he only evolves when there's a Dark-type in the party (which is genius) but I guess I missed that lecture? anyway, it was my own stupid fault, so I'm going to try and ignore the niggling feeling.

I don't know. He's still a banchou panda bear, and he's still got two fists full of punch and a mouth full of twig and a heart completely empty of shits to give. The dude just sort of rocks and rolls wherever, and however he likes.

I also love how his eyes are just these dark little holes now. you can tell there's not a hint of mercy left in them.

Overall: 10/10


  1. This guy was designed by Hitoshi Ariga, the writer of megaman mega-mix manga!

  2. they got really creative with evolutions this gen...

  3. Somehow reminds me of Garp.

  4. This is a fat goth neckbeard with a "cigarette" in his mouth wearing a trench coat. Remember that guy in highschool? Nowadays you probably see him hanging out at the local comic book store arguing over the return price of his mega-man costume because he ordered XXXL but only got XL.

    Sadly both of the jokes I was going to make for this pokemon are very dark, even for me.
    1.) I was going to make a Trenchcoat Mafia joke, but... it's not really funny because... yea...
    2.) Instead I was going to make a Kevin Smith joke. Remember that fat stoner that makes bad movies for loser potheads? This is him in pokemon form. Sadly Kevin smith became skinny recently after becoming vegan due to his heart failing after too many munchies clogged his arteries. And since I like Mallrats I couldn't bring myself to do it.

    What is it about trench coats that's just sad? IDK... but this pokemon makes me think of all those terrible trench coat references that cause me to have indigestion.
