Friday, May 3, 2013

No. 646: Kyurem

man, what an ugly piece of shit.

lopsided and broken, Kyurem is supposed to be like half of a Pokemon or something? like Reshiram and Zekrom were ripped from him? I still don't know if that's canon or not. All I know is that Kyurem is definitely not a 9/11 personification, regardless of what thinks.

but seriously, Kyurem looks messed up. there's no way he's balanced like that. his arms are too small do to anything. and the dude is cracking all over, he can't be healthy. But you know what's even worse than Kyurem? his new forms in Black2 and White2. Because there just weren't enough overdesigned legendarys in the world.

Kyurem: 2/10

Black Kyurem looks pretty damn stupid if you ask me. Sure, he turned into a fully proportional dragon, but he's still got Zekrom's ridiculous bee-butt tail. And strange blue power cords. And any sense of symettry was thrown out of the window. This guy went full Digimon. And you never go full Digimon. I think we can all agree this was a bad idea.

Black Kyurem: 1/10

White Kyurem, on the other hand, is flat-out awful in every single possible regard. Fire and Ice do not mix, certainly not here at least. Nothing is going right, and everything is going wrong. this is an assault upon good taste, and I'm afraid it's winning. I mean, seriously.
Chunks of ice thrown around? check.
retarded jet-engine tail with feathers sprouting out of it? check.
knives on his toes and knees? check.
mis-matched arm guards? check.
glowy lines and tubes? check.
pervasive sense of suckage? check.
general idea that the artist got lost somewhere between Crap St. and Piss Ave.? check.

White Kyurem: 1/10

Overall: 1/10


  1. Kyurem looks kind of like a parasite. I remember in Gates to Infinity when he smashed the shit out of hydreigon. However, the additional forms do look like ass, but they are almostn as powerful as Arceus

    1. So what? the pokemon looks terrible (just like arceus) who cares if it's strong. if they added a big green pile of crap and gave it 900 total base stats would you still like it?

  2. look at that stupid-ass protruding chin on black kyurem

  3. Black Kyurem does look more aesthetically pleasing on the Boundaries Crossed TCG artwork, but other than that he's a major disappointment compared to his predecessor Zekrom.

  4. "This guy went full Digimon. And you never go full Digimon."
    - tropic thunder reference? :D

  5. I won't lie. The first time I saw Kyurem I was like Is that the third member? He looks ugly. Gradually as time passed I got used to it and sort of looked interesting to me. Then it's two alternate formes came. I saw pieces of Zekrom and Reshiram in it and I said: What kind of weed are these people somking? I wasn't sure if it was a fusion or the result of absorbing energy from the other dragons. It was later confirmed that they were fusions with either dragons. As I took a closer look I started liking the designs. What is interesting to note is that black and white kyurem are not even it's final forme. Allegadly Reshiram, Zekrom and Kyurem were once a single dragon. What upset me was that they did not included this forme in B/W 2 and instead continued with another gen. But afted a closer look at the tao trio they look awesome and I'm really intrigued by their origin story and this original dragon. Right now I look at Kyurem as the cented piece of the dragon. As the empty container of yin and yang. Black Kyurem is yin without yang and White Kyurem is yang without yin. I really like how base kyurem's design fits with Black and White Kyurem and how it's body changes. What I'm really looking forward is to fuse either alternate forme with the remaining dragon. I really want to know how this founder dragon looks like. I imagine it mostly black and white with few grey spots. Black on right and white on left. Grey parts are in it's belly, neck, the three pieces that hold the tail and the underside of the wings that I will describe right now. I imagine it's wing being draconic and large instead of having the wings of Z and R. The tubes that connected to the tail are visible as two yellow lines on the grey side of the wings. They turn blue on right side and red on left side when in overdrive. The upper side of the wings are black on right and white on left. It has a better body shape than Kyurem and it is a mix between B/W Kyurem. It's resembles regular kyurem in shape only it's unfrozen an more developed. It has three horns. It retains it's yellow middle horn. Right side of the face black. It eye is yellow and turns red when in overdrive. It horn is black and it's tip turns blue when in overdrive. It left side of the face is white with a yellow eye that turns blue when in overdrive. It horn is white and it's tip turns red when in overdrive. It tail is half black and half white and it is longer. A combination of B/W Kyurem's tail. Overall I visualize it as a refined version of all three dragons. In control of a three elements. The shape I imagine it has is the shape of the dragon statue in Iris room. I hope they don't mess up with the design.
