Tuesday, May 14, 2013

No. 649: Genesect

it all comes tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down...

well, we've at last made it through the end of the 5th gen, the largest of all the generations, and at the time of this writing, the most recent generation actually existing in our current reality. And what is our reward? who is the monster at the end of the book?

none other than that mother-loving Neon Genesis Evangeli-bug himself, Genesect. hopy SHIT do I love this guy. you don't know how long I've been waiting for a Bug-type legendary, and Genesect doesn't disappoint.

Let's start with that wonderful, delicious name - Genesect. An insect of genocide. but not just that, it's also a mecha genocidal bug. with a big-ass laser canon on its back and and insane grin on its face. The purple coloring is pretty swag, and the Char Custom red shiny sprite is also neat. It's a robot, yet doesn't look like it has too many moving pieces, which keeps the design complexity down.

you can make it hold different Drives, which makes its unique attack have different types, which is a cool enough idea. But with stats like that, it really doesn't need any gimmicks in wrecking house. also those don't really count as alternate forms. Neither does its flying-saucer form that it apparently takes in the recent anime movie, but that ain't in the games so fortunately I don't even have to acknowledge it exists.

basically, Genesect is a mean bastard who'll cut your throat and turn your family into tang. and he's coming to get you. It's not that you mustn't run away, it's more like you can[not] escape.

Overall: 10/10

1 comment:

  1. Second largest? It has 5 more than 1st gen. You can also factor in that 1st didn't even have the greatness that is forms (internet sarcasm before anyone gets confused) so 5th has a lot more designs thanks to that too.

    One other thing about Genesect is that thanks to it (ignoring Arceus's ability) there is only one type lacking a legendary now; Poison.
