Thursday, July 20, 2017

No. 794: Buzzswole

mad natty EV gains brah

Let's not think about how those "muscles" are actually probably sacs filled with blood. Instead, consider that Buzzswole has an excellent name and looks like a Street Sharks character. He looks like he could flex the bark off a tree. My guy is beyond ripped or shredded, he's torn to goddamn pieces of confetti.

Buzzswole didn't even skip leg day, you see those calves? And he's got FOUR legs, too, which means he has to squat FOUR TIMES AS HARD as the rest of us. Wait, I mean twice as hard. How does math work again? Who cares, what's important is that this bulging blood bug poses like Hulk Hogan and looks like he's about 3 seconds away from cutting an impromptu promo on his opponent at all times.

The only downside to this glorious beast is that he's only available in Sun, which means you'd miss out on Lunala.

Ultra Grade: A+

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