Monday, October 14, 2024

Help! The Pokemon are leaking again!

I've been awoken from my peaceful slumber by the news of another massive Gamefreak leak. Seems the hackers got a ton of information, from design documents to news of upcoming projects to deep Poke-lore, and most relevant to our purposes: more beta designs!

I don't know if I really want to review all these guys, and even if I do I'll probably wait for someone to draw some artwork of them, but maybe this is a sign from the heavens that I should get off my ass and finish up Gen 9 before somebody leaks the entirety of Gen 10 or something.

oh yeah, hello again, btw. Anybody still out there? Is this thing even on???

Monday, April 1, 2024

No. 12345: Rocky

Today we're reviewing my pet cat Rocky.

First off, this asshole doesn't even learn any good moves. Scratch and Quick Attack aren't gonna do much for damage, and he lacks the bulk to make Rest useful. When Nuzzle and Lick are your best moves, you know there's a problem.

Moreover, what's up with that design? Who decided to put a random splash of color in the middle of your face like that? Gamefreak must have been drunk. And yeah sure, he's very fuzzy, but that just means white hairs getting everywhere and making any black T-shirts look grey.

And that's not even mentioning how Rocky wakes me up in the middle of the night because his stupid ass ate all his food in a hurry and threw it up without even tasting it, how he tries to bring down the posters from my walls and pulls books off my shelves, how he eats the window blinds and shreds the corners of the furniture...

What a dumbass loser cat, I love him very much 10/10

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Pokemon Legends Z-A

 Well, well, well.

Everyone's said for years how strange it was that Gen 6 never got a 3rd game, how the existence of Pokemon X and Y implies a Pokemon Z, how much unexplained lore was left on the table, how half-baked the region felt... and now Gamefreak finally has the chance to make it all Right.

Personally, the thing that has me most excited is the fact that it won't be coming out until 2025. Hopefully, this means they'll take their time and polish a game for once. It also means that Gen 10 can line up nicely with the franchise's 30th anniversary in 2026, and I really hope they pull out all the stops for that one. PLZA will probably be a Switch 2 game in some form, but Gen 10 definitely will, and it would be nice to have a Pokemon game that actually looks like it belongs in this decade for once.

As for PLZA itself... see, I really liked PLA, despite not liking Diamond/Pearl. It got me to re-examine the Sinnoh Pokedex, and see that there's more to love than I thought. On the other hand, I was already warming up on those guys over the years, whereas I find myself cooling on Kalos. It's definitely my least-favorite Pokemon game, I've decided. Maybe PLZA will be able to pull some magic and change my mind? We'll have to wait and see.

Speaking of waiting, I know that I haven't updated in forever, but it seems we have another few years until a new generation hits, so I'm in no rush! But seriously, while the larger project I mentioned is still a work-in-progress, I would like to finish up reviewing Gen 9 before too long here. But I refuse to make any promises I can't keep, because I don't like breaking hearts.

Saturday, November 4, 2023

What's going on?

Since it's the 14th anniversary of NAPACE, I figured that's as good an opportunity as any to update y'all on what's been going on. We'll save the theatrics for the big 15th next year, but the reason NAPACE has been so dead these past months is because of real life shit getting in the way (doesn't it always), but mainly because I've been working on a major project.

This major project is a manifesto of sorts, a thesis to answer the common question "Why don't Pokemon look like Pokemon anymore?". People have tackled this before, and come up with easy-but-wrong answers like "because modern Pokemon are all based on real-life objects like ice cream cones" and correct-but-vague answers like "because the proportions and art style changed". Neither of which is satisfying for me. I want an answer that's quantifiable, without resorting to prejudiced generalizations.

As you can imagine, this has taken time. Currently, I have a draft that covers Gen 1 and 9, but ideally it would work through each generation, covering the design trends that emerge. I presented this draft as a panel at a local anime convention recently (shoutouts to anyone who found this blog from that!) and if people are interested I could post what I have as a work-in-progress, or maybe I'll hold off until the whole thing is done. idk

Regardless, thanks for sticking with me despite the lack of updates. 

Saturday, July 15, 2023

No. 927: Dachsbun

Inugami Korone
Still adorable, and I still want to eat its ears. I believe they taste like cinnamon donuts. Or chocolate-covered ones? But the hair makes me reconsider things... not a fan of fur in my food.

But rather than being a loaf of bread with legs, it's clever how they worked the bread into the design in multiple ways. You can't see it from this image, but its spine looks like braided bread. And the Well-Baked Body is a clever ability, big fan of getting bonus Type immunities!

Actually, now I'm starting to think Daschbun is like a big savory pretzel. I wanna dunk it in honey mustard sauce and take a bite. OK now I'm hungry, review's over, I gotta get something to eat.

Overall: 9/10

Friday, July 14, 2023

No. 926: Fidough

how much is that doggy in the window
Fidough looks delicious. We've theorized for years about the "most edible Pokemon", but I think we have a new top dog. I wanna rip off its ears, spread some butter & jam on them, and have a snack. Does that make me a monster?

anyway, it's cute, and certainly whimsical enough to justify the Fairy typing. Even though Fairy Bread is Australian, not Spanish...

Overall: 8/10

Thursday, June 8, 2023

No. 925: Maushold

four of them
In classic Gen 1 fashion, a Pokemon has evolved simply by gathering "more" of itself. And as with Magnemite and Dugtrio, this raises so many questions.

What happens if you catch a single Tandemaus but not its partner? What if you separate a member of the Maushold and raise it independently? Do the small ones grow into Tandemice and pair up, or do they move out to mingle with other Mausholds for better genetic diversity? They're treated as Genderless, so thankfully we don't have to answer some of the weirder breeding questions, but.

They still creep me out.

Overall: 5/10

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

No. 924: Tandemaus

two of them 
Sanrio's latest mascot characters are adorable. Well, to be accurate, they're inspired by the Sylvanian Family toys, but the point is these lil' fellas are cute.

But at the same time... oddly creepy. They have that dead-eyed doll stare. I would hate to own one of these and wake up in the middle of the night to find them standing on my dresser, looking at me.

Also, the two-tone coloring is too subtle. I honestly didn't even know they had coloration until seeing their artwork, in-game it just comes across as solid white due to how small the models are most of the time.

Overall: 4/10

Monday, May 29, 2023

No. 923: Pawmot

Pawmot Patrol
Speaking of throwback elements to older gens, Pawmot carries the tradition of being an ambiguous creature instead of a twist on a specific real-life animal. It's kind of a teddy bear, but listed as the "Mouse Pokemon", and also resembles a hamster? With Popeye arms and Iron Man repulsors blasts? I'm not sure why it's part Fighting-type, but... hey. hold the phone.

This is an evolution of Pawmo? Are we sure it evolved? Or did it just step closer to the camera? Wait, it changed its fur color back to Pawmi's. Why is Pawmo desaturated, then? And what's the difference between Pawmo and Pawmot, larger hair tufts???

Probably the worst case of "it just gets bigger" evolutions, except it still doesn't even look fully-evolved. Maybe just skip from Pawmi straight to this thing, then. But I'm not gonna give it a good review cuz I already spent that goodwill on Pawmo.

I think they maybe planned a proper evolution, but accidentally copied the model for Pawmo over the space where Pawmot was supposed to go, and couldn't figure out how to restore the intended version so they just made Pawmot bigger and called it a day.

Overall: 2/10

Sunday, May 28, 2023

No. 922: Pawmo

Pawmo Patrol
Speaking of throwback elements to older gens, Pawmo carries the tradition of being an ambiguous creature instead of a twist on a specific real-life animal. It's kind of a teddy bear, but listed as the "Mouse Pokemon", and also resembles a hamster? With Popeye arms and Iron Man repulsors blasts? I'm not sure why it's part Fighting-type, but Fighting/Electric is a dope typing so hey. It all kinda sorta works.

Also I wanna give it props for actually evolving, all the Pika-clones have just been meaningless single-stage losers but Gen 9 shakes it up. You can say it's a blatant Pikachu ripoff, but I'd say it's an artful homage to the buckwild design ethos of Gen 1.

Overall: 8/10