Saturday, January 14, 2012

No. 358: Chimecho

the sound of summer, apparently

Good thing I like punching Chimeco in the face so much, then. I'm getting dem angels hella' wings.

Anyway, Chimeco is based on some sort of Japanese wind-chime-esque thing, but I don't give a piss. Doesn't look like much of a bell to me. And even if it did, what good is it? There's no sound type, though I think I advocated for one a while ago, I don't remember, I've eaten so many fruit gushers in the past hour my brain is turning into glucose.

Instead, we get another lame Psychic type. Later, it will get a prevolution, which no one asked for, but that's another story. For now, Chimeco has a visually pleasing design, but fails to actually be anything of any value.

Overall: 3/10


  1. I've always thought it looked like some sort of blade covered in blood, which is really creepy for a Pokemon game.

  2. jesus what is messed up. and I thought I was the one OD-ing on gushers.

  3. Chimecho's 3rd gen index number comes after every other Pokemon's, even Deoxys. So it was the last to be added into the game. Combined with the fact that they, for no reason, made it so it's only found on the top of Mt. Pyre, with a 2% chance of appearing, it shows that Chimecho was literally an afterthought.
