Monday, July 21, 2014

Mega Evolution No. 27: Lucario

I think this might be the first time in a while I've actually gotten the number I was on correct on the first try
are you freaking kidding me

Everyone's favorite jackal-mma-hadouken-dog returns with a Mega form! Which, in this case, means it has odd rust-colored tips to everything, possibly to simulate how it GETS ITS HANDS AND FEET DIRTY WITH THE BLOOD OF ITS ENEMIES but really just looks like it's been playing in shit.

also don't forget even MORE spikes in awkward places. Poor thing looks like it just crashed through a glass window and has shards all stuck in it.

and, naturally, thick black lines just generally going everywhere and making an already complicated design even more visually confusing and noisy.

Just about the only thing I like here is the dreadlocks being all wavy in the wind. Lucario wasn't even that good, yet got pushed hard by Pokemon Company for some reason, so the least you'd think they could do is actually give him a good Mega.

Overall: 3/10


  1. And the worst part? Somewhere out there, there's a kid who thinks Mega-Lucario is all kinds of badass.

    1. Sweet reference!

      Though I think it might have worked better with Garchomp

    2. Oh thank god, and I thought it was only me...
      It was hard enough to draw him before but now it kills a piece of my soul. No wonder I never used him in battle. Boxed the F***er right after getting him.

  2. ...Oh c'mon guys. Lately I've totally disagreed with all your reviews, but mega lucario worse than some of the other ones? Really??

  3. They should have made him some Anubis-warrior-with-a-vengeance
