Monday, March 30, 2015

900th post

That last one right under this, marks the 900th post I've made!

that - that is a lot of posts to make!

I'm bringing it up now, because with only a dozen or so Megas left, and then some other business to attend to, I'm probably not gonna hit the big 1000 any time soon. It'll take Gen 7 to break it.
Once I do finish what I have to cover, I'm thinking this blog will just go on a hiatus. I use fancy bold to specify this, because I have plans about another blog I'd like to start to kill time until Gen 7, and to hopefully continue past that. Because obviously, I can be trusted to reliably update two sites with content at a regular pace, yes.

As always, thanks for reading NAPACE. I know I've slowed down like a Shuckle over the past year, but as long as there is breath in my body I will talk shit about Pokemon.


  1. It'll be neat to see a new blog. NADACE? "this metalwarhypermon is way a too pokemon sunnuvabitch"? :-P

    At any rate If you ever want to give NAPACE more "life support" until Gen 7/new megas, you can always do Rivals and Evil Teams.

  2. I know you're telling the truth, but how is that possible? I did the math and with all 720 revealed Pokemon, all the leaders/E4/champs, as well as April Fools posts and updates, you should only have somewhere in the ballpark of 850 posts. What else have you been doing?

    1. Check out how much shows up when you click the "news" tag on this very post. Also, there were a few when I was doing "first thoughts" on X, and for my romhack.

  3. Also, I included Megas in that calculation.
