Saturday, March 2, 2019

Beta No. 228: Madame

enormous bitch energy

Madame is the cancelled evolution of Farfetch'd, who always stood out as an odd duck (ha) without much purpose in the game, who only became more irrelevant as the years passed and the gutters clogged and overflowed up with Normal/Flying losers. That outstretched hand looks like she's throwing up a gang sign. I gotta be honest - I thought Swanna was the bitchiest bird ever, but madame has it beat.

Which makes it funny that the artist here decided to make it a cool ninja duck, or something. And credit to them, it does look kinda cool! I wouldn't mess with a pissed off duck in a mask, reverse-gripping a leeksword. But seems like clearly the opposite direction Gamefreak was going. All in all, it's still just a duck with a leek, but both takes give it personality. And I can respect a duck with personality.

Overall: 7/10


  1. Madame lookin like she gonna drop the hottest album of '99

  2. Farfetch’d evolution
