Wednesday, January 29, 2025

No. 951: Capsakid

 Green Hot Chili Peppers

Capsakid artwork by Ken Sugimori
I was so happy when I caught Capsakid (after I realized that I wasn't looking at a random green bean zooming around near my ankles) because of two things:

One, he looks like a little freak. There's some avian features going on, like a beak and possibly an eggshell on his head? But at the same time, not really. He's just an abstract weirdo, and I want more of that back in Pokemon.

Two: He's a pepper. People have yearned for the forbidden Grass/Fire typing for years, and chili peppers is a common answer. You see it in fakemon designs all the time. To see Gamefreak doing it themselves? Hell yeah!

With that said, the single tooth bothers me. You already have a perfectly good beak, either bend that down further to complete the silhouette, or dispense with it entirely.

Overall: 7/10

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

No. 950: Klawf

 just klawful

Klawf artwork by Ken Sugimori 

I tend to like crustacean Pokemon, but this guy sucks. The eyeballs sticking out on tiny little stalks bother me, not to mention the hairy joints and rosy cheeks. But the biggest offender is simply that his claws are too damn small. I don't want no teeny-weenie clawed crabs, I want BIG MEATY CLAWS!

Besides, if the concept is "Rock Crab", they sure could have done more to make him look rocky. He doesn't even blend into the walls in the game, in the environment he was specifically designed for.

Overall: 2/10