Friday, November 6, 2009

No. 003: Venusaur

Okay. This isn't funny anymore.

What in the hell is a "venu" anyway? Venus Fly-trap? Does Japan not know what those look like? Because I don't see any here. Anyway, Venusaur is a fat lard who just thumps his way about all the time. He does have a cool flower on his back, but he looks like a toad that got squashed by a car.

At first, I thought he was stupid, but then later I realized how ironically cool he was. Then, I realized that he was neither of these things, he was just ugly.

I want to see bulbasaur giving a Venusaur a vine-ship suplex.

Overall: 4/10


  1. Always thought of Venusaur as badass. I'm from Germany, so the names are different and it don't affects me that much. Look at it: It's a friggin tank of pure violence! Nobody could throw it on the back! (Especially because there's a humongous palm/flower thingy)

  2. Bulbasaur will get S T O M P E D.
