Monday, December 24, 2018

Beta No. 207: Turbann

Hey... that's not Shellder!

While I think every kid kinda wanted to see Slowbro's tail as its own Pokemon, that doesn't change the fact that the lore clearly states that Shellder bites Slowpoke's tail. So who the heck is this spiky bastard? A mutated Shellder? Or perhaps, the tail-biter slowly works its way up the rest of the Slowbro, consuming it entirely, and all that's left is the Turbann.

Dark lore aside, Turbann looks cool. And we don't have any turban-shell Pokemon, anyway. I say retcon the Shellder thing (which was weird because Slowpoke evolves by level anyway, even if you're nowhere near water), and introduce Turbann into the games! And give him his own evolution if you choose to not attach him to Slowpoke's ass, please.

Overall: 7/10

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