Friday, May 3, 2019

Beta No. 240: Likk

"hey, can you just draw the dumbest shit ever?"

"yeah sure boss no problem, one grade-A doofus coming right up"

Lickitung is weird, and Lickilicky sucks, but Likk here is extremely silly. Nobody has mustaches like that if they want to be taken seriously, and I don't know why he has to grab his tongue like that. Also, is there a second tongue wrapped around his head like a turban? That's disgusting, I do not support this. And no offense to the artist, but given the dramatic drop in quality compared to all the other illustrations, I think we know who came last on the priority list.

Overall: 1/10


  1. It's better than Lickilicky I think

  2. Looks like they were going for an Arabian carpet seller to me

  3. I actually really fuck with this, besides the moustache.
