Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Gen 8 reviews?

I want to do them!!

But... we're lacking official artwork for most of the Pokemon. We only have the starter's first forms, even. So be patient.

Besides, I'm not even done with the game yet. I'll do a writeup of my progress and stuff to stall for time, if they can't find those official artworks soon.


  1. I can't wait! This gen has some nice mons but a helluva lot of stinkers.

  2. Should do Metan and Memetal or whatever the heck they're called, just to break the ice.

  3. I agree with Comemichiamo, you should review Meltan and Melmetal in the meantime. They are technically Gen 7 Pokemon, and it would be odd to start reviewing Gen 8 Pokemon without finishing the previous generation.

  4. You could always do the Pokemon Professors or Rivals if you wanna mix things up, your gym leader/Evil team rundowns were (also) great
