Thursday, March 26, 2020

No. 825: Dottler

Dottler Doclittle

I may have spoken too soon about those eyeballs going away - you can still kinda see them on Dottler, but the effect is muted because you only see the lower half. They mostly just register as glowing eyes.

Speaking of which, it's neat how Dottler's spots light up in its animations. Bug/Psychic is a fresh combination, I applaud Gamefreak for doing something for the regional bug besides Flying or Poison. Also, notice those V's return as... hands? whiskers? Who cares, just jot that down for later.

So, overall I'm positive about Dottler, but there's something about it that doesn't sit right. It doesn't feel like a Pokemon, but instead more like a Super Mario Galaxy enemy. That's a very specific and weird comparison, I know, but I'm a specifically weird guy. idk, something about it looks as if it comes from another game entirely.

so I'll just roll Dottler like a d20 to decide the rating

Overall: 16


  1. I've never seen before until you mentioned but it totally looks like some kind of goomba. Honestly I'm just glad it isn't just another boring cocoon.

  2. I had the exact same vibe, that it's a Galaxy enemy.
    Is bug/psychic new? It feels like every generation's moth/butterfly thing is as least twenty percent psychic type. Especially Dustox. They probably aren't cause they gots to have that super important flying type.

    1. It's not even flying, it's poison for some reason.

    2. REALLY?

      Does it... Do anything Poison-typed?

    3. well the scales that fall off it's wings are poisonous. It's prob also poison to differentiate it more from beautifly and cuz moths are seen as butterfly's evil twins it makes sense it's the one who got poison
