Friday, February 26, 2021

Pokemon Legends Arceus has Restored me to Life

Oh baby. This is it. This is what I've been waiting for. This is the game that I wanted Sword & Shield to be - open world environments, but still with turn-based battles. It's clearly early footage, but I'm so excited I'm going to pretend I like Sinnoh. I'm also going to imagine that the final release won't have frame-rate issues.

This announcement got me so hype I'm actually gonna return to the blog and finish the generation!



  1. Glad you're back, dude. It hasn't been the same without you.

  2. It's been 3000 years... Glad you're back! This Pokemon announcement has had the same effect on me too!

  3. So I guess I'm the only one who was underwhelmed by today. Legends Arceus looks like it's gonna be devoid of actual gameplay beyond completing the pokedex. They seem to imply that there's only one town in the entire game, and if all you do is go around catching Pokemon, I don't know what kind of progression system the game is going to have. Also disappointed at how uninteresting the environments look. Simply having fields doesn't mean Breath of the Wild -- that game also had plenty of memorable and interesting locals with interesting geographies you could interact with. Legends Arceus looks like it'll just be flat fields with items and random pokemon puked about moving at 7 FPS.

  4. Please stop dying on us, I, and I'm sure other readers, get legitimately worried sometimes. :')

  5. Uh, so is that basically an admission that you were planning to abandon the blog for good...?

  6. I honestly can't understand the haters. One thing is being afraid that that Chingling is still going to move at 5 fps when the game releases. One thing is being SURE of it because Game Freak is ugly and evil.

  7. Man I've been reading this blog off and on since 2011, and I hope it never stops. You are one of the best writers on the internet, and are the best writer about Pokémon that I have read. Cheers to Arceus Legends; I hope you'll put your writing talents to something else when this is all over and done with.
