Friday, November 15, 2024

No. 945: Grafaiai

mf thinks hes banksy

it's actually cool when Pokemon completely change species when they evolve, as long as they're connected in some superficial way. Wingull evolving into Pelliper? Yeah sure, I'd believe that seagulls are just baby pelicans, whatever. Shroodle evolving into Grafaiai? Now that's a stretch, I've never once thought about shrews and aye-ayes even inhabiting the same continents before.

What's more, Grafaiai looks like Darby Allin's fursona, but with huge gross drippy middle fingers. I know that's the aye-aye's calling card, but it looks even freakier here than it does in real life. I don't want to know where he sticks that finger to get it all goopy.

If I can be remotely positive, I think there's something going on with the hindquarters that I like, something about the shape of the legs, and use of stripes. And removing the pupils from the eyes was a good move. But I just can't get over the hoodie, and those disgusting fingers. If Grafaiai flipped me the bird I'd probably throw up.

Overall: 2/10


  1. I didn't even realize It was a hoodie. but I've also looked at this mon maybe 5 times In my life. I like the overall body shape. very animalistic. the hoodie doesn't bother me personally, I kind of like It but I can understand why you wouldn't after the Iconic Raboot post

    I was worried I was complaining about a bunch of nothing but I'm glad It's not just me who finds the evo strange. I get that "thing but bigger" becomes bland but I prefer It to this nonsense. both kinds of evolution lines can work, just depends on the execution, like anything else

  2. Great review idk why this turned into a 2016 YouTube comment section

  3. Wtf happened here with the comments. Anyway, I do like Grafaiai. And it's really awesome that you're back, this blog is awesome.
