Wednesday, June 13, 2012

No. 459: Snover

There are few things more majestic than the image of the Rocky Mountains rising up out of the horizon as you drive West across the Great Planes.

Now, I think I love Snover. It's a pretty clever design, that fuses Grass and Ice into one Pokemon. See how he's brown (like the dirt) at his feet, but gets more white (snow covered) as you go up? and then he's got occasional greenery on him, like the pine trees that always seem to grown on mountains. Even out of his back, and as a tail!

Also, he looks like he's wearing a hat, which is itself another tiny replica of a mountain range. Reminds me of the Three Sisters, in Oregon. And despite all of this, Snover manages to look cool and maintain an identity.

It certainly isn't a concept that the early Gens would have worked with, but now and again the 4th gen really hits it out of the park with their more abstract, non-animal concepts, and Snover is one such example. The only thing is that maybe too much of him is brown? I know the female version is more white, but I'd like it if more than 50% of a Pokemon species looked good.

Overall: 9/10

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