Tuesday, June 12, 2012

No. 458: Mantyke

b-b-b-babies? Again?

I guess I just really don't see why someone thought all these perfectly fine Pokemon needed prevos. A lot of them you don't even find in the wild, you have to breed specially to get them. Meaning there's not even any thrill of "wow I caught this wimpy thing but it grew up to be badassed!" because you know the little baby will grow up into exactly what you already have.

Anyway, Mantyke is kinda cute, I guess, and the happy face he has on his back is neat. And if he was always there, to evolve into Mantine, I'd probably give him an average score and pass on. But it bugs me that the designers made this guy, 2 generations late, instead of putting something new and cool, like a non-sucky Bug Pokemon, or a Fire/Water type, in the game.

So, sorry, Mantyke. You're annoying in concept, and only adequate in presentation. Now wipe that smile off your face. And also off your back. It's creeping me out, now.

Overall: 4/10


  1. yeah, 4/10 is a really generous rating for a baby Pokemon, which are usually extremely useless and don't offer more in the design department than being cutesy, which is something you can do completely fine with first stage critters (phanpy, eevee, diglett, many more), so it makes it just painfully more obvious that these baby pokemon were designed to appeal to a very young crowd.
    For Mantyke, at least I like the way you evolve it, it really ties in well with it's later evolution, needing a Remoraid in the group to become a Mantine, but like you said, it was just added to late.
    On a more positive note, that is the last baby Pokemon for this and the next generation! Apparently someone at Game Freak who was involved with the 5th generation had the balls to just flat out say that baby pokemon suck balls, so we don't get anymore for hopefully forever.

  2. What you said about breeding is SO accurate! Especially the "the little baby will grow up into exactly what you already have" part.
