Friday, September 10, 2010

No. 011: Metapod

The only time I'm glad to see a Metapod is on the other side of the field.

Why? For one thing, Metapods are easy to kill, and give reasonable exp for the stage in the game when you're likely to run into them. Also, if there's a metapod on my side of the field, then I know I've been taking drugs because Metapod can't do shit.

Also, what way is he supposed to face? Is that a nose on the right hand side there, and he's like an angry moon? Or is that a fin or something, and he's depressed?

Either way, he's still a bad and uncool and confusing pokemon.

Overall: 2/10.


  1. I honestly always had the same problem x3
    But his evolution made it up with its psychicattack that helped me to fight friggin Brock, when I had Pikachu or Charmander.

  2. 50 XP at level 5, 60 XP at level 6 just like a Kakuna.
