Saturday, November 24, 2018

Beta No. 190: Sunee

You idiot! In this world, it's kill or BE killed.

Sunflora was originally going to be a stand-alone Pokemon, and Grass/Psychic. They eventually decided to give it a prevolution, make it stay purely Grass-type, and let it walk around. Since Sunflora ended up fairly lame anyway, I can't say they did the right thing.

Of course, as I ranted about in the past, inventing a Light type would have fit like a glove on Sunee. Or retroactively giving it Grass/Fairy would have been an attempt. ah well, it was not to be.

Somehow, I like this version more, though.

Overall: 6/10

1 comment:

  1. It's got that whole "always burrowed in the ground" gimmick like Dugtrio. That's probably why it seems more interesting even though it's literally just Sunflora otherwise.
