Friday, February 28, 2020

No. 823: Corviknight

You, you! Me me Pickle Pee! Me, me Pump-a-rum!
I don't know what brave soul decided that the regional birds should just NOT suck and instead be awesome, but I want to shake their hand. Ever since Gen 6 it's been a home-run each time. Corviknight is sick as hell.

I love how he's almost entirely one color. It's the sort of design choice they would make due to sprite limitations in the past, but now it's done purposefully. And it works! Corviknight looks menacing with those obsidian wings and black armored face. With the piercing red eyes (which don't extend past his eyesockets, thank god) daring anyone to step to him.

It's funny that such a badass bird is used as a common taxi, but whatever. That doesn't diminish Corviknight's threatening aura.

Overall: 10/10


  1. I wanted to name mine "" but I decided to go with "Pissed Bird" after I saw his previous forms.

  2. This guy. This guy is such a badass.
    So I guess this one raises the question: What are you gonna do with gigantimax forms? Are you treating them like you have megas in the past?

  3. I'm sick of seeing this bird everyday

    I love you Samurai Man please come back
