Friday, July 3, 2020

No. 841: Flapple

shout-outs to Bakugan

Your Applin finally evolved, and if you're playing Sword then you got this freaky bitch, frantically flapping its wings to stay afloat. I wonder if this concept started as a Dragon who's caught in its shell, but then instead of building the rest of its evolutions they just re-worked it into a possible end for the Applin line. I just find it hard to believe that they had SO MANY good ideas for "apple Pokemon" that they couldn't choose and decided to include both Flapple and Appletun in the game.

Like, maybe if there was another form from here? some sort of cool apple-themed dragon? But this is lowkey insulting as a final evolution.

Overall: 2/10


  1. You mixed it up. This one is from the other game. If you change it quickly, nobody will notice and I look like an idiot.

  2. Can we talk about that yellow... thing? Eye? Seed? Sunglasses? Ear? Flap? Earflap?

    Whatever it is, I hate it.
