Tuesday, June 30, 2020

No. 840: Applin

this is just an Earthbound enemy

There's an alarming number of Dragon pokemon that are really biologically closer to worms. I mean it's just the Goomy line and now this, but that's still about 2 more than I really think should exist.

I know it has this typing for its future forms, but we'll get there. Right now, I just gotta say that no apple has ever looked as delicious as the ones you throw in Pokemon Snap. Shoutouts to the new game coming soon, I can't wait. I hope they include more routes, and ways to upload your photos online to compare with others, and make your own scrapbooks, and of course a ton of new Pokemon, and multiplayer games where you both sit in the "car" and take your best pics like a safari cruise at Disneyworld, and... oh right, this is about Applin.

I don't know, it's a silly little worm in an apple. I guess that's cool. But not really.

Overall: 4/10


  1. I would say Vibrava fits that category as well, but enough has been said about that things typing already.

  2. I had one of these. Caught it early-game in a raid. Could not, for the life of me, figure out how to evolve it. I think it grew to level fifty like this. And it never learned any moves, so those were looong levels. But I figured it was bound to be super cool when it grew up. Boy was I in for a disappointment.
