Friday, October 9, 2020

No. 857: Hattrem

trans rights!

There's a strange resemblance with Hattrem and Reuniclus - they're both slow Psychics with a tiny "real" body and large "hands" that they can use to beat the shit out of you. Despite then having a low physical Attack.

I like big ol' witch hats, so Hattrem is cool in my book, especially because it slightly resembles a jellyfish at the same time. A jellyfish that's eating a piece of cotton candy? 

Overall: 7/10

1 comment:

  1. glad to see ya back again!
    yea i really like when they make a pokémon that is a completely made up species, rather than a mix of many animals n such. they've been doin it a lot in gen 8, with this line and toxicitry's for example. it's really cool
