Monday, October 12, 2020

No. 860: Morgrem

pssht... nuthin personel, kid
In the past I've dogged on Pokemon for being unnecessarily emo, or for having random sections of their body different colors. And while it's true that Morgrem looks as if he just waded through a vat of green paint, it's all part of the transformation to being green and retired in his next evolution. Maybe there could have been, oh I don't know, a gradient or something? to separate the halves? but I'm okay with it.

And I'm also okay with the emo haircut, because again it feeds into the evolving theme - he's becoming a hair monster. And demons are emo or whatever, it tracks. I disapprove of Starraptor's stupid haircut, but on Morgrem it's his entire gimmick so I'll allow it.

That is to say, I'm not the biggest fan of Morgrem and his skinny spaghetti limbs, but I understand this is a natural part of the process.

Overall: 5/10


  1. His arms are gross and look like lined sausages.

  2. 1-900-490-FREAK, then green and retired. A fellow funniboy connoisseur I see
