Friday, July 14, 2023

No. 926: Fidough

how much is that doggy in the window
Fidough looks delicious. We've theorized for years about the "most edible Pokemon", but I think we have a new top dog. I wanna rip off its ears, spread some butter & jam on them, and have a snack. Does that make me a monster?

anyway, it's cute, and certainly whimsical enough to justify the Fairy typing. Even though Fairy Bread is Australian, not Spanish...

Overall: 8/10


  1. It's so pudgy and cute. Would chomp, 10/10.

  2. 'Fairy Bread' would be the correct term. As an Australian, I have never heard 'Fairy Toast' in my life. It certainly isn't toasted, either.

  3. Both him and Bombirdier are literally Pokemon based on French culture, it clearly should have been gen 6 Pokemon with Kalos.

  4. I want to quote "I wanna rip off its ears" without context
