Saturday, August 27, 2011

No. 262: Mightyena


Mightyena may not be full-emo, but he is at least angsty. You don't have under-eye markings like that for nothing. And his hair looks like a big mass of greasy hair that he just draped over his back.

All in all, he reminds me of some sort of OC from Deviantart. You know, probably named Fang or Slash, and he's have a brother who is all white with red hair tips, named Moon or something, and then a female with preposterous amounts of eyelashes for a wolf, and beads in her hair.

Urg, I frigging hate that kind of shit. Wolves are kinda cool, but not anthropomorphic talking wolves with a society and drama and shit. Like those books about warrior cats or whatever, shut up, cats are cute and awesome, but they don't have DEEP DRAMA. Get over yourself.

Overall: 3/10


  1. i don't quite see him as an OC honestly, and (i said this more than once on other pokemon) but i happen to like this one, and i actually got pretty far with him. :D (the black on him doesn't look that greasy to me, but i guess i'm biased cause i really like cat and dog pokemon)

    1. Yeah! I always had him in my team.
      Sadly he sucks battlewise but for a contest he is the best ^w^

      *Highfives Ano-Jae*

  2. I have one, he's named Becquerel (Becquerel is some dog from some series I don't know about anymore) and he was my second Pokemon.

    1. Henri Becquerel, along with the Curies, discovered radioactivity. he was a brilliant man, and now we use Becquerels to count how radioactive something is.

      I assume whatever cartoon you watched got it from there.

  3. I think he looks angsty, but not in a "my life sucks, I will sit and stew in my suckiness." More of a "my life sucks, I will find the reasons that it sucks, and I will hunt them down and rip their throats out."
