Sunday, August 21, 2011

No. 259: Marshtomp

I'm back, baby.

And I don't give a rat's ass about this little turd.

Or rather, I don't have any opinion whatsoever. I don't really remember him that well, but he doesn't look incredibly stupid either. Just another example of a lackluster middle evolution.

also, I totally thought his name had an "r" in it, like Marshtromp. but it seems I was mistaken.

Overall: 5/10


  1. Very cool concept and reviews
    The work is very versatile, with so many concentrations intermingling
    Samurai Swords

  2. Pokemon is the coolest show. Beginning of the show is fantastic. And this show makes me the biggest fan of Pokemon

  3. hey, are you guys spam bots or something? I guess now I know I've hit the big time - I'm getting spammed!!

  4. Marshtomp is just a standing up mudkip theres like no new design! Mudkip may be awsome but you cant make the same pokemon again.
