Monday, February 11, 2013

No. 603: Eelektrik

I don't know how many of you are able to spot the pun in this name, but if you still haven't gotten it then please try harder.

Now, this guy is even more obviously a lamprey. Which makes him inherently terrifying, lampreys are pretty much one of the most messed-up things to ever happen. Actually a lot of swimming things are like that, possibly because Noah picked and chose which animals to take with him, but the things that swam in the deep just got to keep on trucking. In fact, they're probably jealous of us surface-dwellers now, because for an age the world was flooded and they had the place to themselves.

And lampreys are one such beast. Imagine a flaccid and slippery noodle, except on on end it has fins and on the other it has a mouth like that mechanical shark from James & the Giant Peach. An awful, meat-grinder of a mouth, designed to latch onto things and never let go. Then it bores a hole in the skin, tears through the flesh, and starts sucking the lifeblood out of you. There's also nothing they can do about it, once a lamprey gets on to you, nothing can help you anymore. It will consume you from the inside out, and when your blood and tissues are dry, it will consume your soul.

To be fair, I kind of made the last part of that up. But lampreys are serious business, and the prospect of one of those, except with lightning powers, and no weaknesses  makes me want to never swim anywhere ever again. but these guys can levitate, so I guess we're all screwed.

Overall: 7/10

1 comment:

  1. 7/10 seems awfully generous, considering how harshly you usually criticize Pokemon who have evolutions that don't make sense.
    Tynamo is like from a completely different set of evolutions
