Thursday, April 11, 2013

No. 640: Virizion

look at those go-go boots go!

This trio is also supposedly called the Three Musketeers. I guess Cobalion is supposed to be Athos, Terrakion is Porthos, and Virizion is Aramis. And the other one that shows up later is D'Artangan. I guess this is okay, because they ARE officially called the Swords of Justice, and there ARE three of them with a fourth afterthought, and the primary three are Noble, Strong, and Stylish.

now, onto Virizion himself. The books I think are actually working here. The black stripe should probably be red, but whatever, it's no big deal. I am realizing that Virizion looks a helluva lot like Shaymin, though. same color scheme, vaguely-plant-like growths... maybe it's the secret third form!?!

naahh, it's just a fancy-ass deer thing.

Overall: 6/10


  1. And then girafarig gets a second form that links it to evolving into Dialga. YEEEAAAAAHHH!!

  2. The helmet thing kinda looks like Cell's.

  3. You mean "HER"
    In the Mysterydungeon game, Virdion is clearly female. Either that or someone is REALLY confused about his...her...gender....whatever.
    Every male loves Virdion. (seriously, they even start crying cuz she doesnt5 want any friends)
