Sunday, March 9, 2014

No. 697: Tyrantrum

A King's Arrival is Never Quiet

It's the not-so-subtle things that make Tyrantrum so cool. The head crest looks like a crown, the white frill looks like a collar, red is of course historically a royal color, and the white lines make it look like the fringe on one of those cool cloaks that you always see kings wearing in cartoons and stuff.

But as fierce as he is, I'm getting strong Digimon vibes here. Or maybe Monster Hunter. Or maybe I'm overthinking it?

bah, what are the concerns of commoners to that of the Crown? It's good to be king.

Overall: 8/10


  1. It's usually a good bet that if it doesn't look like a pokemon, it probably looks like a dragon quest enemy.

  2. I am noticing that several pokemon this gen have that weird hexagonal scaly pattern on them.

  3. Pokemon X & Y loves hexagons
