Thursday, May 15, 2014

Mega Evolution No. 3: Charizard Y

Meet Charizard's second-cousin, Charmizord!

Either that or an subtle alt-timeline version. Because really, this doesn't look much more "mega" than regulat Charizard, it's just kinda different. Unicorn horn, torn-up wings, a few throwaway spines on the tail, and those dumb arm wing things. Who does he think he is, Garchomp?

Well, I guess it does look like a step up, even if it's a half-step. And I do appreciate the linework trying to emulate that earlier style, you see it on the (sigh) arm-wings.

But it's just really such a small difference, I don't see why they even bothered? what was the point? you'll see me saying that a lot, over the next month or so.

Overall: 4/10


  1. Hey, it occurs to me that you never did your Gen 6 wrap-up.
    When are we getting that, HMMM?

    (After Megas probably. But I was looking forward to it ;_; )

  2. I think that this what a mega should look like. Only evolutions should make massive design changes, the idea of a mega is that it's the same pokemon, just stronger.
