Sunday, May 25, 2014

Mega Evolution No. 7: Kangaskhan

how is babby formed

Now, this was a Good Idea. For years we've been wondering about that baby Kangaskhan, the whole Cubone intended evolution conspiracy, all that stuff. and now we have some proof. Proof of what? I don't know.

But this is a neat use of the Mega Evolution as a power-up rather than actually changing forms. Momma just lets her baby out of the pouch to play for a while, nothin' special. Except it's hella special, because this means it gets two attacks. Which I shouldn't even have to explain how godlike it is.

Earlier I liked Mega Alakazam because it felt like a 4th stage evolution. This time I like Mega Kangaskhan because it doesn't change a damn thing. Some may call this inconsistency or perhaps signs of mental deficiencies, but I prefer to think of it as variable taste. I feel I'd like Mega Samurott if it was just "Samurott standing up" as well.

It's really more about what I DON'T want to see, which is: barely changing at all and acting like you did, or changing everything and looking completely craptastic. as long as a Mega Evolution doesn't do those, I'm down with it.

But again, this is just a fantastic concept that pleases me to no end.

Overall: 10/10

1 comment:

  1. But it DOES change forms... It's just the baby who transforms instead of the mother.

    This is what a normal baby Kangaskhan looks like. It is too weak to fight which is why it has to stay in the mother's pouch during a battle. But when it Mega Evolves, it gets bigger and grows those spikes and bumps on its body.

    There is no physical difference in the mother but because it doesn't have to worry about hurting the baby it can fight more recklessly.
