Friday, June 27, 2014

Mega Evolution No. 16: Houndoom

WHO LET THE DOGS OUT? WHO WHO WHO - okay someone kill me please I'm sorry

Houndoom was a bad doggie. Like, we're talking "would eat a baby"-tier evil. The kind of dog that people tell you is so nice, but then you reach down to pet it, and it snaps at your hand, and maybe it doesn't actually bite you, but you can just tell that it wanted to. And Mega Houndoom is even, uh, evil-er.

More spikes, forked tail, bigger horns, sinister glare, we got Satan's own pooch right here.

I like the continuation of his "armor" being like bones, especially the tusks coming out the front. But other than that, it just takes the already established theme and pushes it even further. The musculature itself also looks a bit leaner and meaner, so it's not just new plates on an old dog. or at least it doesn't look like it.

Overall: 8/10

1 comment:

  1. I feel like a proper evolution would've served it better.
