Monday, December 22, 2014

Clay of Driftveil City

The only hard part of Black &White. But maybe that's because 4 out of my 6 Pokemon were Weak to ground, and I didn't have a single Pokemon Good against it...

I kind of like this take on the classic Cowboy. Instead of being yeehaw 'merica, he's basically an oil tycoon. Which is a stereotype I don't see that much anymore.

So I mean, Clay could have run with it a bit more. Maybe an all-white suit, more rhinestones and fringe, I don't know. And as it is, he's got quite a bit of colors going on. I think it's the patch of blue on his crotch that's bugging me, I wish he just wore brown pants, or just blue jeans. The chaps look odd.

Still, he's alright. No Elesa, but a far cry from the infamous Busboy Bros,

Overall: 5/10

1 comment:

  1. The thing is: He isnt from Unova/america!
    He is actually an asian/kanto/jotho that CHOOSES to dress like a stereotype!
    That at least should be worth 1 more point
