Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Holiday Break

Now that I'm back on a fairly regular update schedule, I figure I ought to let y'all know I'll be on vacation from this weekend through the 4th of January. But make no mistake, I'll be right back at it after that.

Also - the month isn't even over yet, and already it's NAPACE's biggest in terms of views! Wow, I guess this is what happens with new game hype, spillover from Pokemon Go, and regular updates! Thanks for reading, guys. Eventually we'll run out of new Pokemon and the site will return to its dormant state, but let's not think of such sad things now.


  1. I must know... How do you pronounce "NAPACE"? Is it like you spell each letter, or does the acronym form a new word with a completely new pronounce?

    1. I've been saying it like "Nap-Ace" in my head. Or "Nah-Pace", if you prefer. Both are accurate descriptors of my workstyle.

    2. It's nuh-PACE.

      (Also, long-time reader. I read that amazing Serperior review about once every four months for a laugh.)

  2. Holiday break isn't a Pokemon

  3. I stumbled across your blog one day and basically ran through the entire series so now I'm reading it daily
