Monday, April 16, 2018

No. 805: Stakataka

Jenga: the Pokemon

another reference that will be lost to non-Japanese, but Stakataka resembles not just a brick structure but specifically the base of a Japanese castle. It's a neat idea that it's a colony, too. I'm reminded of how the blocks moved around in Laputa, on that ancient technology shit.

but the thing I wonder is, what if you just capture ONE of them? can you take it home and have a lil' block friend? What if you only need like 4 blocks, so they can make tetris shapes? What if you have multiple entire Stakatakas (Stakataki?) and combine them together, can you build a modern-day Tower of Babel and rip the Pokegods from their thrones?

Clearly, future research is necessary.

Ultra Rank: B

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