Sunday, April 1, 2018

New Schedule and Plans

Hey NAPACErs! Thanks for sticking with me during the hiatus. But going forward, we're kicking things up a notch. Let me announce the new weekly content schedule:

a brand new Pokemon review!

we'll alternate between a brand new Trainer review, or Town review!

Wacky Wednesday, where I ramble about a different topic each week!

every other Thursday well drop a brand new episode of the NAPACE podcast!

Fan Art Friday~ We'll be spotlighting the best pieces we've recieved each week!

I come directly to your house and slap you in the face!

Live stream day! Tune in to see me work through every game in the franchise!

Wow! So much content on the way, I hope y'all are ready! Also, there's new items in the store, so check that out! And as always, remember to Like, Comment, and Subscribe! Plus, extra bonuses for the Patreons~ it's thanks to you that I can do what I do.

Happy Easter everyone, and as always, Stay Above Average!!


  1. Damn. That was a low blow, Samurai. I'm part of the 1% who wishes you would really do this.
