Saturday, September 22, 2018

Beta No. 152: Blossomole

Thank you for participating in my test, to see how I could totally annihilate my readership by disappearing for several months at a time. The results were as expected.

But I'm back now, and we're talking about that beta that got leaked a while back.

So first off, this is what was sitting in place of Bayleef. Yeah, Chikorita and Meganium are still the same as ever, but in-between is... a ditto in a flower. Honestly, I wonder if this was a remnant of an even older trio (since we see that Cyndaquil and Totodile's lines are completely different) that had no resemblance to the Chikorita line at all, and for some reason they were in the middle of coming up with the new line, but couldn't think of a new mid-stage, so just left it in.

Otherwise, I don't understand it at all.

I don't know if yellow is really the right color to use for Blossomole, since the sprite is green, but if the theory about it being a hold-over from a prehistoric line is true, maybe they were yellow? I don't know. I don't care. Let him be yellow and let's all just move on with our lives, because everybody knows Blossomole sucks. Little dancing man hiding in a flower with a target on his chest, get that shit outta here.

Overall: 1/10


  1. Welcome back! The hiatus made me think you were going to scrap this project and go straight to Gen V.
    This is easily the weirdest beta mon, it makes little sense in the Chikorita line (pistils) and outside it, it's just a blob with a weird navel in a flower...
    Sometimes I see it as some kind of moth with the green space below the arms being the eyes, the navel being the mouth and the flower being the wings. It's not prettier that way, though.

  2. Well, the old Chikorita looked more like an amorphous slug, so I guess it made better sense there. But Meganium seems to have always been the same, so I have no idea on that one.

  3. Considering the target on the chest, I wonder If this would go on to become part of Sentret
