Saturday, February 2, 2019

Beta No. 222: Bellmit

Here Comes Stupid!

Imagine catching a Bellsprout, evolving it into a Weepinbell, and then voluntarily choosing to evolve it into Bellmit instead of Victreebel. Couldn't be me. This dude looks like a bunch of rotten bananas. Or maybe a mandragora that got hit with an an ugly spell.

Although I'll admit - this artwork does him a lot of help! Altering the proportions and making the legs more... "leggy" really turns Bellmit from a piece of shit into something approaching decency! Honestly, I could buy this guy as an evolution of Bellsprout. It's weird to go back to limbs and stuff after Weepinbell, is the problem. But I think I've talked myself into kinda-sorta-liking Bellmit after all, imagine that. If they'd just split the line earlier (and used this artwork, the original sprite still sucks ass) then maybe it could've worked!

Overall: 5/10

1 comment:

  1. He Was Probably Planned To A Split Evolution For The Bellsprout Line Just Like The Oddish Line With Bellosom.
