Saturday, February 9, 2019

Beta No. 224: Bomseaker

YO who is this good boy?

I want to meet him. I want to learn more about him. I want to know his name. Bomseaker? Dope, I'm sold.

While we might like some of the designs, it's unfortunately true that most of these beta-mons have had conservative typings, which is no surprise given where Gamefreak's head was at the time. There wasn't really an impetus to fill out the obscure niches, or "play it fair" between the types, hence why Ghosts had to wait until Gen 5 to get their fair shake.

But this! This!! Fire/Water, a type so bold and controversial it hasn't been done yet in the official games! And a seal that balances a flaming ball on its nose is exactly the sort of coked-up nonsense that I love to see. I don't know why he's "Bomseaker", is that ball explosive? Is he a bomb-sniffing seal? Who cares, he's awesome!

Overall: 10/10


  1. Lol, hasn't been done in the official games? Volcanion would like to have a word. Ah who cares, this guy is WAY cooler.

    1. Damn straight!

      and yeah, Volcanion falls right into a memory gap for me...
