Wednesday, June 17, 2020

No. 838: Carkol

I am speed.

Rock/Fire minecart coal Pokemon is a good idea! but holy shit I cannot stop laughing looking at Carkol's face. His eyes are all the way peeled back like he set the thrusters to Ludicrous Speed, my man is dropping coal left and right. He's gonna arrive at the destination freaking empty, especially since his "wheels" aren't even close to round. If this Pokemon existed in real life, Darwin himself would've performed the mercy kill.

but... somehow I can't bring myself to hate Carkol. Maybe it's the way you meet him actually travelling the tracks in the mines, in a rare example of Pokemon placed organically into their environment. Or maybe it's just the cool way he glows up before he attacks.

This is the sort of goofy dude I usually despite, but somehow there is room in my heart for Yung King Cole.

Overall: 5/10


  1. That face really spoils a very cool design. They should have put it in the minecart.

  2. The way he what now? I don't remember this guy being an actual minecart in the environment. I thought the mine cave only had the first form, as well. Weird.

    I wonder what he's gonna evolve into. I bet it's some kind of cool train or something. I sure hope it isn't just a fire Aggron.
