Tuesday, June 16, 2020

No. 837: Rolycoly

Wear a mask, kids. That's all I'm gonna say.

But let's try to get back on track with this indeterminate lump. Thank God I know what the 3D model looks like, or I would have severe difficulty parsing this artwork. It looks like a Voltorb after he blew up, and lost an eyeball. Now he's sad.

However, with the context of the next evolutions, I think that's supposed to be an angry eye instead, and in fact is his entire head. Dude zooms around on a unicycle wheel, getting soot everywhere and ruining everything.

I think we need more cyclopses (cyclopes?) in Pokemon, though, so I'll give Rolycoly the benefit of the doubt. Also his name is fun to say.

Overall: 5/10


  1. You're back! Missed you, man. I hope you're well. Sincerely.

    Is this the first Pokémon we've got that has a wheel? If so, it's terribly wasted on this design.

  2. Woo, the Pokemon reviews are back!

  3. Welcome back. I think Rolycoly is cute because it is a cyclopean unicycle and deserved a higher grade.

    And the most used plural form of cyclop is cyclopes because english borrowed from latin but if the word followed the general rules of pluralization it would be cyclopses. I read all this here: https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/how-to-pluralize-cyclops-cyclopes
