Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Gigantamax no. 9: Eevee

Ten foxes evolving
It's still a little weird to me that we all decided that Eevee was an icon and mascot for the series on par with Pikachu. I know it's popular (or rather, its evolutions are popular) and Gary used one in the anime, but really? Kinda feels like fabricated hype. On the other hand, Pikachu is literally just a random early-game Pokemon that got lucky, whereas Eevee feels "important" due to being unique in-game and its myriad evolutions can be seen as symbolic of the potential to train whatever Pokemon you want.

I'm talking about all this because there's basically nothing to say about Gigantamax Eevee. It's a big fluffy Eevee. The clouds are circling its ear, instead of acting as a halo? I'm sorry, I know I swore to stop talking about those clouds.

Overall: 600/1000


  1. I like the "twelve days of christmas" thing you've got going on.

  2. Fabricated hype is right. Game Freak has basically been trying to push it hard on us starting with Let's Go
