Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Gordie of Circhester

big dick is back in town, baby
Gordie's got a case of flat-foot like we saw with Milo, but aside from that the dude is a major boss. He does a backflip for no reason when he sends out his Pokemon! and despite being hugely popular, he's not an asshole about it. He's just honestly that cool.

I do want to question his wardrobe, though - that two-tone jacket is like something the In-Betweener would wear, and I'm not sure if dying his naturally bleach-blonde hair a shade of banana yellow was the best call. But I guess when you've got all the natural swag and charisma of Jack Black, you can pull anything off.
I think it's neat that Gordie is a chubby guy who's portrayed as legitimately cool in the game, instead of a joke. and I do think he's cool, he just needs better taste in outfits.

Overall: 7/10


  1. Ah but this guy's got very different flat-feet than Milo. This one just has long toes, Milo was missing the middle part of his feet.

  2. Milo's number, 188, can be read as "iwa ba" (rocky area).
