Saturday, May 31, 2014

Mega Evolution No. 10: Aerodactyl


ffffffucking really? oh yeah just take Aerodactyl and cover him with spikes and shit all over yeah that'll look good

What? no, no one will mind, goddamn nobody likes Aerodactyl anyway 

yes I'm sure this is worth our time

seriously what was going on here. Did they just crap this one out at the last second? Why Aerodactyl? I suppose he's in the "needed a boost to get better" tier, but there wasn't really anyone clamoring for him to get better, was there?

I'm sorry to offend all the Aerodactyl fans in the house, except I'm not, because he kinda sucks anyway and you should all find better Pokemon to like. morons.

Overall: 1/10


  1. It looks like he's covered in tumors.

  2. Off topic, but I wanna say that your Emerald hack has been nice from what I've played so far.

    1. hey, thanks! though I think the remakes will make a lot of my stuff redundant, haha

  3. Most Mega Evolutions, most of all this one, don't feel like pokemon at all.

  4. I like Aerodactyl, don't judge me, but this is crap and it reminds me of Serj Tankian.

  5. The spike goatee was the last straw.

  6. I absolutely agree about the goatee. People have facial hair. Alakazam has facial hair. Aerodactyl does not (PARDON, have to scratch that) should not have facial hair.
