Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Bugsy of Azalea Town

Welcome to the "dang, I didn't realize you were a man, sorry about that" club! You can sit over there next to Marth.

Now, I like the idea of Bugsy. Bug-catchers have been a staple of Pokemon games since the very beginning, and it makes sense that any Bug-styled Gym Leader would be just an expert bug-catcher.

So yeah, Bugsy is rocking that cub-scout look, he's got his utility survival pack on his hip. (complete with a Glass of Magnify, to identify and classify)

I also really, really like this badge. this is one of my favorites. it's a perfect circle, a stylized ladybug, it just works. calling it the Hive Badge instead of Ladybird Badge or something is ehh, but I don't really care.

Bugsy is a man (or at least he says he's a man) after my own heart. He even gets to use a Scyther, which is a incredible badass Pokemon to have at such an early point in the game. I just wish he looked a little cooler. longer shorts would help.

Overall: 7/10

1 comment:

  1. He also uses Metapod and Kaukuna. Gym Leader. Using METAPOD and KAKUNA.
