Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Falkner of Violet City

you know, I think I might have to really step up my game if I'm going to get through all these trainers in time for XY...

Falkner looks a cool guy who doesn't afraid of anything. He's got a nice blue color scheme, and some odd combination of traditional-ass Japanese clothes, but all cut short to show off his neat gauntlets and ankle bracers.

however, it communicates literally nothing about him being a Pokemon trainer, Flying-type or otherwise.

maybe if he had, I dunno, feathers or some crap? or like a sword with a real feathery tassel on its hilt? something. maybe use his badge design as a family crest and plaster it on his clothes somewhere? cuz right now he honestly looks like he might be a jrpg character who specializes in Ice magic.

Overall: 3/10


  1. The arm bands could be used for falconry, but they don't cover the full arm and he has two of them.

  2. No props for his aptronym?

  3. Yeah, you really have to get going if you want to finish in time, if I counted correctly all remaining gym leaders and Elite 4 + champions equal to 58 different people.

    With 44 days until X and Y, you have to do more than one a day. Bucke up!

    1. Well, obviosuly he won't start reviewing 6gen pokemon immediately when the game is out. How could it be possible? He needs about a month to play a game, so i think 6gen reviews will start coming up on november.

  4. I'm surprised you didn't mention and subtract points for Falkner using his father's pokemon instead of his own.

  5. Falkner...the worst trainer if you start with a grass starter

    About german language trivia:
    Falkner is actually a german name of a job called Falconry, using Falcons for the hunt.
    Kinda funny that his name was shortend to Falk.
    It also leads to the animal Falke or for you Falcon

    Der elegante Meister der Flugpokémon!
    [The elegant Master of the Flying Pokemon]
    (A bit is lost in translation since Flug is the german name of flying type, so it sounds weirder than it should)

  6. Also you forgot that he is also a policeman
