Thursday, August 15, 2013

Lance of the Kanto Elite Four

I wonder if Lance is hella pissed that he was the champion until two random kids came up and knocked him off his perch one after another?

Though he looks pretty full of himself here. Sweeping dat cape, Dracula all up in this bitch. Needs to comb his hair, but otherwise looking cool.

But now, now it is not the time for Dracula sneaking. Now is the time for majestic gesturing. Lance is summoning a powerful Djinn there, or perhaps ordering the armies of man to repel the invaders from the third wall. he's like a goddamn maestro of dragons, cape flowing in the wind, popped-ass collar looking all fly.

Lance is using the "most powerful" type, which makes sense for one of the final opponents. And he looks good doing it. As if he thinks he's in a different JRPG series, Tales of ______ maybe. I got nothing bad to say about this guy, except that when you lose your ice type to a lucky critical early on, it freaking suck to have to fight the rest of his team.

Overall: 10/10


  1. Again it is time for trivia with german Language:

    Did you know that Siegfried is a germanic hero? A dragon killer who was invincible after eating the dragons heart and bathing in its blood only to be cursed to die tragically due to a treasure he took called the "ring of Nibelungen"?

    Why is that relevant?
    Cuz Lances german name is siefried.
    From dragonkiller to dragon master with only Dragontype-family at his disposal.
    Sad aint it?

  2. Something I've noticed: Lance is actually a Flying-type trainer.
    His collective roster in RBY, GSC, and FRLG is as follows: Dragonair, Dragonite, Aerodactyl, Charizard, Gyarados.
    All except for Dragonair (who evolves into Dragonite) are FLYING-TYPE. Lance is a poser.
